Our Work

Our Work

Change Your Perspective

Change Your


Diverse by Design

Forced Perspective was started by Emmy® winner Jazzy Collins, CSA to fill a hole she saw in years of working as a Casting Director. Forced Perspective is a Black, Female owned company that exists to tell stories and create opportunities for people of all backgrounds in the TV, film, and digital spaces.

Data Driven Production

We don't fight new technology. We embrace it. We're ethically using A.I. to streamline processes while not taking creative away from the creatives. Our production model shaves an average of 5% off of production costs on long-form projects - adding up to millions of dollars a year in savings. We use big data models to analyze what's working, what's not, and are able to pivot on a dime.

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Forced Perspective Productions LLC

5877 Obama Blvd

Los Angeles, CA 90016

Forced Perspective does not accept unsolicited submissions of materials: scripts, decks, or otherwise. Any unsolicited materials received will be deleted unopened and unread.